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Empower Your Third Grader to Excel in Math
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Colorful, Fun, and Interactive Math in Action!
Grade 3 Curriculum
Learn and practice topics in Grade 3 Math such as Number system, Number Operations, Fractions and Fraction operations, Measurement units, Shapes & Patterns, and Data Handling. Hundreds of interactive Grade 3 Math activities for children to learn Math concepts with understanding. Practice with interactive Grade 3 Math worksheets, Adaptive Practice, Mental Math, and much more.
Each topic is split into smaller skills, and students master these skills by learning and practicing through interactive activities and worksheets. Get unlimited personalized AI-driven adaptive practice and develop speed with Mental Math Challenges.
Number System and Place Value
- Numbers up to 4 digits
- Place Value (up to 4 digits)
- Standard and expanded forms up to 4 digits
- Compare Numbers up to 4 digits
- Order Numbers up to 4 digits
- Form the greatest and smallest numbers up to 4 digits
- Number Patterns up to 4 digits
- Even and Odd numbers
- Round to the nearest 10s
- Round to the nearest 100s
- Round to the nearest 1000s
- Introduction to Roman Numerals
- Addition of 4 digit numbers (without regrouping)
- Addition of 4 digit numbers (upto 9999)
- Estimation of sum up to 4 digits
- Subtraction of 4 digit numbers
- Estimation of difference up to 4 digits
- Addition and Subtraction up to 4 digits
- Multiplying 2 digit numbers with 1 digit number with regrouping
- Multiplication facts for 11 to 20
- Multiplying a number by tens, hundreds
- Multiplying 3-digit numbers with 1-digit number
- Multiplying 4-digit numbers with 1-digit number
- Multiplying 2 digit number by 2 digit numbers (with and without regrouping)
- Multiplication properties of whole numbers
- Multiplying 3-digit numbers with 2-digit numbers
- Estimate the product (up to 3 digits)
- Division of a two digit number by a single digit number without remainder
- Division of 2 digit numbers by a single digit number with remainder
- Division properties
- Division by 10 and 100
- Division of 3 digit numbers by single digit number without remainder
- Division of 4 digit numbers by single digit number without remainder
- Division of 3 digit numbers by single digit number with remainder
- Division of 2 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers with remainder
- Division of 3 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers with remainder
- Dividing 4 digit numbers by single digit number with remainder
- Dividing 4 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers with remainder
- Patterns in Number Operations
- Fraction as a part of a whole
- Identify numerator and denominator of the fraction
- Representing simple fractions on the number line
- Equivalent fractions
- Addition of Like fractions - I
- Subtraction of Like fractions - I
- Measure lengths
- Conversion of length units
- Measure in kilograms and grams
- Conversion of weight units
- Addition and subtraction of weights(kg, g)
- Measure in liters and milliliters
- Operations involving volume (l, ml)
Two dimensional shapes
- Basic geometric shapes
- Line, Line segment and Ray
- Properties of 3D shapes like cubes, cuboids, spheres, cylinders and cones
- Recognize the pattern
- Introduction to symmetry
- Tessellation Patterns
Time and Calendar
- Reading time to exact minutes
- Adding and subtracting time
- Seconds, minutes and hours
- Years, Months, Weeks and Days
- Counting money - Level 2
- Adding and subtracting money - Level 1
- Multiplying and dividing money
Handling data
- Represent using Pictographs
- Represent using Pictographs - Picto value is more than 1
- Pictograph using full and half
- Frequency Table
Hear from Parents and Children
Math Buddy helps my daughter learn the concepts very clearly and provides a digital medium where my daughter interacts and learns Math in a fun way. There are also reports that help me know where she is having difficulty so that I can help her out. The support we have received from Math Buddy team has been excellent.

Aparna Arunachalam
Mother of Swarna
My kids thoroughly enjoy their Math Buddy sessions because they collect points which helps them earn new avatars. As a parent, I appreciate my children using Math Buddy because it helps them understand the concepts clearly which makes them love what they do.

Bhuvana Karthik
Mother of Smita and Anushka
We enrolled for my kid for the first time and we are very much satisfied with the course content and the materials for easy illustration to explain and learn by the kid. Daily tasks are structured and my kid really loves to daily attempt it.

Mr. Kusumanchi
Father of Yashwanth
We are home schooling my kids Alex (4rd grade) and Mike ( 2nd grade). I am happy that I found Math Buddy while surfing the net. My kids love doing all the activities, and I believe their math skills have improved in the last 2 months after taking Math Buddy.

Julie Schutte
Parent of Alex and Mike Schutte, Minneapolis
I got to know about Math Buddy from a friend and have been a subscriber for 4 months now. It was a great way to spend the summer for my daughter. Her teacher is pleasantly surprised at her improvement in math this year, thanks to you folks.

Rita Thompson
Parent of Anna Thompson, Minnesota

What all will your child get as a member of Math Buddy?

Interactive games and activities
Fun, interactive activities designed to make learning math enjoyable while reinforcing key concepts

AI Driven Adaptive
Personalized practice sessions that adjust to your child's unique learning pace

Dynamic Grade 1 Math worksheets and quizzes to expose students to various types of questions

Mental Math
Strengthen your child's mental math skills for faster, more accurate problem-solving